Thursday, June 4, 2009


Here is what you need to do
1. List Six UNIMPORTANT Things That Make You Happy.
2. Mention and link to the person who tagged you
3. Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along, and comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.

My six UNIMPORTANT things that make me happy are:
1. Chapstick, I am ridiculously addicted
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Gossip Magazines
4. Sitting in the backyard in the summer with a Popsicle
5. Pedicures
6. Checking my email obsessively

Thanks for the tag, Liz!! I tag Bri, Jamie, Abbie, Jen, Becky, Patrea!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Great list! It made me think of some more unimportant things that I like...but those unimportant things help us make it through the day!