Saturday, February 7, 2009


Thanks, Jamie, for this ridiculously long tag!!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you!

1. I am super uptight and anal, things always have to be perfect
2. I love a clean floor, there's nothing better
3. I hate bacon, it's awful
4. I love meatloaf, most people think it's awful (like Justin) but I love it
5. I love going to bed early!! Even when Justin calls me grandma...
6. I LOVE Goonies! It's my all time favorite movie
7. I always think of the worst possible thing that could happen to me at any time. I always have a backup plan for the boat sinking, the brakes going out, the rapist coming for me... I'm weird.
8. I have 1 brother, who I love dearly
9. I hate pretzels, gross. Kate loves them and the smell makes me gag
10. I was going to be a teacher til I realized I hate school.
11. I don't separate my laundry other than whites.
12. I LOVE 90210 old and new
13. I will be 30 years old next year!!
14. I was due on Christmas Eve, thank god that didn't happen
15. I love picking things, a peeling sunburn is such a treat!
16. I really could live without music (except Pink), unlike Justin who has it playing constantly
17. I did ballet for 10 years. It must have been a crappy place, I have no rhythm.
18. I'm awful at anything athletic
19. Justin and I have been together for 12 years. Wow
20. I work at a hospital but can't stand any type of bodily fluid
21. I am a very barfy person. I always feel barfy. Justin hates it.
22. I would rather go to the beach than any other vacation
23. I have the best friends in the world
24. I have the sweetest daughter in the world
25. I have the best husband in the world

Wow, I didn't think I could think of 25 things about me! I tag Abbie, Brienne, Patrea, and Liz

1 comment:

The Hunters! said...

Thanks for humoring me!! I love you the most!! Muah!