Monday, September 7, 2009

Nothing to report

What does HARD contractions 5 minutes apart, 4 centimeters dilated, 60% effaced, and 3 hours in labor and delivery get you? Nothing, but a lecture on dehydration from a smartypants, know it all nurse.....

(for the record, I was not dehydrated)


Patrea said...

Oh Jill!!!! I'm so sorry! (even though I'm laughing right now. :)What a dumb nurse, I would have gone in, too!

Abbie said...

At least your making progress!! They say the first 4 cm are the hardest and after that it could go really fast!!

Steve & Becky said...

Bummer! It's going to be any day!

Jessica said...

I am not a big fan of smarty pants nurses.....good luck with the upcoming delivery...can't wait to see her.