Friday, November 7, 2008

Terrible Two's...

How do you deal with the terrible two's?!? It is so frustrating to deal with a total meltdown, screaming, crying, the whole deal, over something small like not having the right flavor of chapstick. Who knew that chapstick, cookies before dinner, wrong kind of juice, having to wear a jacket, not getting to wear the star shirt, etc., could ruin your day. Wow! Any tips on how to survive without selling my child on ebay?


Findlay Family said...

Sell them!!! Just kidding, but get going on having another one before it gets too easy:) By-the-way I love you too and I am glad that even though we have our different opinions we can still be sisters/bff's FOREVER!!!!

Patrea said...

I'm sure I'll be feeling that way in about a year. You are SUCH a cute mom!

Liz said...

Hows the "breakdowns" going this week. Well, there are the terrible two's, the whining 3's, the nonstop question 4's, I'm scared for what comes next. :) In between all the tears are the cute moments: the giggles, the smiles, etc. That is what gets us through the day right! Patience is the key! You're an awesome mom-you inspire me to be a better one. Thanks

Fuller Family said...

I hate to tell you, but it doesn't get better. They just start throwing fits about different things. You will learn things that help to shut them down. At our house, spanking doesn't mean anything (yes, we've resorted to trying it) but time out works wonders.

Carlye Momma said...

LOL!!! I LOVE this! Your friend Liz's comment is EXACTLY how I would have put it. No matter what age they're in...there's always something that can turn you right into mush...but it's so wonderful that we get to enjoy the sweet innocent things they do too. It's amazing isn't it? And I also agree with her about what a wonderful mother you are! You and Justin are fabulous parents. Kate is so lucky to have you!

Spencer Family said...

I have the same problem. Both of my girls are going through it and it sucks. Sadly, I just let them have their fit and them I laugh, because I know that it was me doing the same thing at one time. Then they do something cute, and you forget about the nast fits. I try to sell my kids all the time or even give them away, but I know they will just come back. I have heard that it does get better. Lets keep our fingers crossed.